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HVAC Contractor EdwinStipe,Inc. Easton,

Weather Pennsylvania

Air Quality Pennsylvania

There are plenty of delicious restaurants in Pennsylvania, thanks in great part to Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but also throughout the entire state. Of course, though, there are some that are absolute must-visits for any resident of the state. Here are the essential restaurants you must try in Pennsylvania.

Weather chart Pennsylvania
Tors By County

Tornado Activity Pennsylvania

(The tornado data goes back to 1881. All others come strictly from NCDC’s Storm Data record, which makes the data record only from 1950 to present.)
While the data below presents only the positive cases where damage was correlated to a severe weather event, we can surmise that the more-populous areas of the state REPORT/RECORD more severe events. This may be due to the fact that in the less-populous (forested) areas, we just don’t receive the reports – as the events that may have happened there are not reported. The animals in the forest cannot report trees down or large hail. Occasionally we do get reports from the foresters that a large “blow-down” of trees has occurred, but those reports are rather infrequent.

Earthquake Activity Pennsylvania

Weather Pennsylvania

Weather Pennsylvania

Have an emergency with your Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing, Drain Cleaning or Air Quality call our Pennsylvania experts.​

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